November 27, 2012

Shredded brussels sprouts with chestnuts and pomegranate

Serving bowl of Brussels sprouts salad.

Around here, we love our Brussels sprouts. I made this dish as a side for Thanksgiving dinner this year. Some people (like my mom and grandma) were a bit skeptical about the idea of shredding brussels sprouts, but I proved them wrong. 

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While shredding may take some time on the front end, it allows them to cook up in a snap. This was the only part of the main meal at Thanksgiving that was completely gone after dinner. My husband requested to have it again soon -- so we did. I think this dish would be great for the holidays because of its green and red colors, plus chestnuts always feel festive to me. You can find them already roasted and shelled this time of year, usually in the produce section.

Seeing that my husband just brought home two large stalks full of brussels sprouts from his dad's garden this weekend, I am sure this dish will be making its way onto our table a couple more times this season. This recipe will make a side dish for about four people. 

Shredded brussels sprouts with chestnuts and pomegranate
about 1-1.5 lbs brussels sprouts
1 tablespoon butter
1 shallot, halved and thinly sliced
sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper, to taste
1/2 cup roughly chopped roasted chestnuts*
1/3 cup pomegranate kernels (arils)

Clean the brussels sprouts by cutting off the stems and removing any wilted/browned outer leaves. Thinly shred using a knife (or in a food processor). 

Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. When hot, add the shallot and cook, stirring occasionally, until it begins to turn golden. Then add the brussels sprouts. Cook, stirring occasionally, until they are soft and start to caramelize, about 5-7 minutes. Stir in salt, pepper, and the chestnuts and cook for about 1-2 more minutes. 

Place in a serving dish and toss with the pomegranate arils. Serve immediately.  

Finished bowl of Shredded Brussels sprouts with chestnuts and pomegranate.
*Check the produce or Asian foods section. They come prepared (already shelled and soft/roasted).


  1. Roasted chestnuts and pomegranate arils sound like such a treat together with the sprouts (which I love as well)!

  2. you're right--this is perfect for christmas, what with the green and red color scheme. :) pomegranate arils are like little jewels!

  3. What a gorgeously refreshing salad! So pretty, too!

  4. Such a colorful, healthy side dish! This post reminds me that I need to remember to incorporate more pomegranate in my dishes this time of the year (such a festive color)! :)

  5. We love brussel sprouts too, and this looks like a great way to eat them.

  6. I'm beginning to love pomegranates in dishes. This looks delicious.

  7. I love brussels. I hate how they get a bad run. I will definately do this next time I buy them. It has never occurred to me to shred them but I suppose they are just mini cabbages!

  8. Looks delicious the way that you prepared brussels sprouts...I really like the pomegranates in it :)
    Have a great week Amy!

  9. I love that we both put pomegranates in our brussels sprouts!

  10. Goodness! I could eat that entire bowl! Love those little guys! We had Brussels Sprouts on Thanksgiving, but I roasted mine in a miso-maple glaze and then sprinkled on toasted hazelnuts.

  11. A great flavour combination and wonderful colours. I love brussel sprouts they are my favourite

  12. I do love the festive colors, and I love that you added chestnuts!


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